Brain expert: The No. 1 thing that sets 'SuperAgers' apart from people with 'weak memory skills'
There is a group of people that longevity researchers call “SuperAgers,” who are in their 80s and be...
Molecules Produced by Gut Bacteria Could Help The Human Body Fight Cancer
Our guts are fabulous places, filled with a myriad of microbes. These tiny life forms help us with e...
Physics - Statistical Mechanics Built on Sand
Babies Can See Things That Adults Cannot
Study reveals very young infants can perceive objects that older infants, children, and adults can n...
Brain’s ‘Background Noise’ May Hold Clues to Persistent Mysteries | Quanta Magazine
t a sleep research symposium in January 2020, Janna Lendner presented findings that hint at a way to...
Cleaning up the filesystem
Researcher Proposes New Theory of Consciousness
A 'consciousness conductor' synchronizes and connects mouse brain areas - Neuroscience News
Mouse study reveals slow-wave brain activity, which is indicative of sleep and resting states, is co...
Dark matter theory: Information has mass, says physicist - Big Think
Scientists Have Connected The Brains of 3 People, Enabling Them to Share Thoughts
Neuroscientists have successfully hooked up a three-way brain connection to allow three people share...
DeepMind’s AI can ‘imagine’ a world based on a single picture
A neural network has taught itself to ‘imagine’ a scene from different viewpoints, including how sha...
Memory Transferred between Snails, Challenging Standard Theory of How the Brain Remembers - Scientific American
UCLA neuroscientists reported Monday that they have transferred a memory from one animal to another ...
Physicists read Maxwell's Demon's mind
Pioneering research offers a fascinating view into the inner workings of the mind of 'Maxwell's Demo...
Feds unveil rule requiring cars to ‘talk’ to each other | TheHill
The Obama administration released a long-awaited rule on Tuesday requiring all new vehicles to have ...
Complex learning dismantles barriers in the brain
Scientists at the Jagiellonian University in Poland taught Braille to sighted individuals and found ...
Has DeepMind Really Passed Go? — Backchannel — Medium
In the very same week that Artificial Intelligence lost one of its greatest pioneers, Marvin Minsky,...
Dogs Have A Conscience Too
That man’s best friend has a conscience is what every owner would be willing to bet, without even th...
The Information Theory of Life | Quanta Magazine
The polymath Christoph Adami is investigating life’s origins by reimagining living things as self-pe...
The Right Way to Learn While You Sleep | Neuroscience News
You can swot up on vocabulary in your sleep – but only if you don’t confuse your brain in the proces...
Mental maps: Route-learning changes brain tissue
Fifteen years ago, a study showed that the brains of London cab drivers had an enlargement in the hi...