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Updated: 40 min 54 sec ago

Brain expert: The No. 1 thing that sets 'SuperAgers' apart from people with 'weak memory skills'

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

There is a group of people that longevity researchers call “SuperAgers,” who are in their 80s and be...

Molecules Produced by Gut Bacteria Could Help The Human Body Fight Cancer

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

Our guts are fabulous places, filled with a myriad of microbes. These tiny life forms help us with e...

Physics - Statistical Mechanics Built on Sand

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

Babies Can See Things That Adults Cannot

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

Study reveals very young infants can perceive objects that older infants, children, and adults can n...

Brain’s ‘Background Noise’ May Hold Clues to Persistent Mysteries | Quanta Magazine

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

t a sleep research symposium in January 2020, Janna Lendner presented findings that hint at a way to...

Cleaning up the filesystem

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

Researcher Proposes New Theory of Consciousness

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

A 'consciousness conductor' synchronizes and connects mouse brain areas - Neuroscience News

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

Mouse study reveals slow-wave brain activity, which is indicative of sleep and resting states, is co...

Dark matter theory: Information has mass, says physicist - Big Think

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

Scientists Have Connected The Brains of 3 People, Enabling Them to Share Thoughts

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

Neuroscientists have successfully hooked up a three-way brain connection to allow three people share...

DeepMind’s AI can ‘imagine’ a world based on a single picture

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

A neural network has taught itself to ‘imagine’ a scene from different viewpoints, including how sha...

Memory Transferred between Snails, Challenging Standard Theory of How the Brain Remembers - Scientific American

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

UCLA neuroscientists reported Monday that they have transferred a memory from one animal to another ...

Physicists read Maxwell's Demon's mind

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

Pioneering research offers a fascinating view into the inner workings of the mind of 'Maxwell's Demo...

Feds unveil rule requiring cars to ‘talk’ to each other | TheHill

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

The Obama administration released a long-awaited rule on Tuesday requiring all new vehicles to have ...

Complex learning dismantles barriers in the brain

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

Scientists at the Jagiellonian University in Poland taught Braille to sighted individuals and found ...

Has DeepMind Really Passed Go? — Backchannel — Medium

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

In the very same week that Artificial Intelligence lost one of its greatest pioneers, Marvin Minsky,...

Dogs Have A Conscience Too

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

That man’s best friend has a conscience is what every owner would be willing to bet, without even th...

The Information Theory of Life | Quanta Magazine

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

The polymath Christoph Adami is investigating life’s origins by reimagining living things as self-pe...

The Right Way to Learn While You Sleep | Neuroscience News

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

You can swot up on vocabulary in your sleep – but only if you don’t confuse your brain in the proces...

Mental maps: Route-learning changes brain tissue

Sat, 11/26/2022 - 20:24

Fifteen years ago, a study showed that the brains of London cab drivers had an enlargement in the hi...
