Visual Studio 命令提示字元 (2010)
Submitted by cjj on
Submitted by cjj on
Submitted by cjj on
gltk is a C++ Widget library built on GLUT. The API of gltk is modeled after gtkmm, the C++ interface of the GTK+ library. The implementation of gltk was inspired by GLUI. By building on GLUT, the library is readily ported to platforms where GLUT (or FreeGLUT) is available. These include Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.
Submitted by cjj on
I prefer to indent my code with TABs. Some people do not like that because a TAB can represent different amount of spaces in different editors or viewers. However, I like TABs for their semantic meaning of levels of grouping. How a code editor or viewer displays this grouping information should be left to the liking of its user. And, using two spaces (or four) is just wasting an extra character when we can just set the TAB size to 2 (or 4). I also favor compactness and readability. It's desirable to make the code visually shorter as long as it remains readable.
Submitted by cjj on
C++0x was approved by ISO. It adds a great amount of new features to an already-rich language. This very fact has drawn some criticism. And, yet there are still unsatisfied demands for features.